

Taxes are the bread-and-butter of any accounting firm. We prepare Federal tax returns as well as State returns for all 50 states. We are also conversant with the special rules and forms relating to foreign assets, foreign related businesses and foreign residency.


Our staff includes CPA’s with extensive experience auditing commercial firms. We are fully conversant with the GAS, GAAP and Financial Statement disclosure. We have been Peer Reviewed by the New York State CPA Society every three years since the process began in 1990, and we have received an unqualified, clean opinion every time.

Audit 401K

401k audits are a highly specialized field and are only required for plans with 100 or more participants. We perform these audits for numerous clients. Our work has been reviewed and accepted by the Department of Labor.


Our staff includes several bookkeepers who are familiar with AccPac and QuickBooks. The size and complexity of the client decides which system is best. All of our work is computerized and stored in the Cloud.